Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How to Paint Formica

I love painting old furniture to give it a fresh look but when a friend asked me to paint a Formica coated dresser I was faced with a new challenge. All I had heard about Formica was to just say no and leave it be, but I was up for the challenge!
It is intimidating at first, but definitely possible.

It started white with white knobs but with some:

220 grit sandpaper

Some satin paint (I got away with a quart)

A can of polyurethane spray (clear, satin)

A foam roller*

And some super cute knobs

You're on a fast track to success. My first tip though is to be sure to pay attention to how the dresser was put together before you take it apart to paint it. I ended up with 2 extra screws and an upside down door! Thanks to some help it worked out in the end.

1. Take all the pieces apart. Doors, drawers, knobs, shelving, and keep the screws in a ziplock baggie.

2. Sand it, baby, sand it!

3. Wipe down with damp rag

4. Roll on first coat, paint will be slick and appear to not stick. Be patient.

5. Once dry, sand LIGHTLY as to not scratch off the paint.

6. Rewipe with damp cloth

7. Paint second coat ( repeat 5,6,7 until covered well).

8. Spray polyurethane (outside, with out inhaling too much) dry, and spray second coat within 2 hours.

9. Reassemble and voila!

Flair tip: Add decorative shelf liner for interior flair!

I hope it works out well for you!!

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